Every individual wants to be financially secure. That may mean something different from person to person. While one person wants to have a hefty savings account, one may want to establish generational wealth. Our goal is to equip you with tools to help you with your financial goals no matter your motivation. Below are some links to resources that I have found to be useful in my quest to become more financially literate and secure.
Live Richer Academy - You may have heard of The Budgetnista, Tiffany Aliche. She has established herself as one of the nations' leading financial experts and has been featured on The Today Show and The View where she offered basic financial advice. She shares her expertise in many ways including through her Live Richer Academy. While you may have to pay to have access to some information, she offers lots of free courses. And her best-selling book Get Good With Money is an excellent place to start on your journey to financial wholeness. You may also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Best Resources for Improving Financial Literacy - This website offers resources such as books, articles, and podcasts that you can refer to in your journey toward becoming financially literate.
Dave Ramsey is a financial expert who offers excellent resources such as books, podcasts and YouTube videos like this one that can help you create financial plans. He has addtional resources on his website.
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